Community Development – JK Lakshmi Cement

Community Development

Community Development

Under community development thrust areas, various activities like drinking water, de-silting and deepening of ponds, construction of concrete platforms for bathing area around ponds , rainwater harvesting through check dams and mini-percolation tanks, installation of hand pumps, plantation in the government schools and around the plants, garbage collection and disposal and setting up of solar lights have been undertaken across the plant locations. The company also develops, improve and strengthen social infrastructure like development of school playgrounds, construction of school boundary wall, construction of all-weather bus stop shades, renovation of community buildings like Panchayat Bhawan and access roads and setting up of community library buildings as a part of community development initiatives. The company also undertakes activities for environmental conservations like plantation, rainwater harvesting etc.

Employees social volunteering

The Company encourages voluntary and direct involvement of its employees in community development. The employees regularly participate in various CSR activities like health camps, school enrolment drives, food-kit distribution, teaching at computer training centre, and also provide technical and engineering support to construction and renovation of community panchayat buildings, school buildings, water supply and harvesting infrastructures in the plant neighbourhood communities. The plant level employees also organize fire safety trainings at the village and school level to create awareness on fire safety. Plant level “Ladies Club” – members are mostly wives of plant employees- also support various stitching and tailoring; beautician; embroidery and other trainings like life skills building in boys and girls around the plant villages. Members of ladies’ club organize mentoring and counselling sessions for school and college going boys and girls from nearby villages. All these initiatives help in imparting skills to the local community.