Health, Water & Sanitation - JK Lakshmi Cement

Health, Water & Sanitation

Committed to making a positive impact on the well-being of the communities where we operate.


Naya Savera ( Integrated Family Welfare) Project:

Under thematic area of Health, the Company is implementing one of its flagships CSR projects – Naya Savera- A family integrated welfare program- that focus on reducing maternal and infant’s mortality at Pindwara block of Sirohi district in Rajasthan, since 2004. Naya Savera is addressing the key issue of low maternal and child health status resulting into high Infant; Under 5 children mortality and maternal mortality in the project implementation area. The other critical issues which are being addressed through this project is very low institutional delivery, low Under 2 children immunization coverage, higher level of close-spaced pregnancies and lack to access to quality medical services. Through its consistent efforts and investments, Company has been able to substantially improve various maternal and child health indicators like institutional delivery, immunization coverage and mortalities.

Outreach Medical Camps:

Lack and/ or poor access to quality medical/ health services for the poor and marginalized communities in their vicinity results into mortalities, morbidities, and out-of-pocket medical expenses. This has direct bearing and strong correlation with medical expense linked economic impoverishment and poverty. In order to respond to this issue of lack of quality health services, the company conducts outreach medical camps- general health camps, eye camps, dental camps, gyne camps and multi-specialty camps- across its cement plants on regular basis and delivers quality and free medical services at the doorsteps of the beneficiaries. The company organizes on an average about 850 camps which benefits directly more than 25000 people on an annual basis. Due to this overall general health related well-being has improved.

Nutritional Support to MDR-TB Patients

Poor nutritional status of Multi Drug Resistant (MDR)- TB patients from poor and economically vulnerable families lead to their slow / no recovery from TB. The patients become an economic burden for the poor families. To respond to this highly vulnerable situation, the Company also supports WHO recommended staple food to number of Multi Drug Resistant-Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients around our plants in Gujarat. This has benefitted 118 Multi Drug Resistant-Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients from BPL and vulnerable groups.

Blood Donation

The Company organizes blood donation camps across its plant; office and marketing zones every year. The blood donation camps are organized in partnership with hospitals and/or registered blood banks.

Awareness Creation

Under Health project, other major activities includes nutritional support to pregnant women; organizing awareness meetings on preventive health care; promotion of low -cost sanitary napkins among the girls and women as a part of promotion of personal hygiene; regular fogging in the malaria-endemic villages; HIV-AIDS and Silicosis awareness projects.

Water and Sanitation

Under water and sanitation, the company has been supplying drinking water to villages with acute water scarcity during summer months. Setting up Piyau at various locations during summer for the public is a common activity that are organized across plant locations. Installation of hand pumps and their repair and maintenance are also done in the areas with deficient drinking water availability. Steps have been taken for the construction and/or renovation of girl’s toilets at various schools around our plant locations. Additionally, support have been provided to individual household for toilet construction as a part of open defecation program.

“Emphasis is also given in the areas of rainwater harvesting, construction of mini Percolation Tanks (MPT), digging and de-silting of ponds, Construction of Check dams etc. Other water conservation activities like farm bunding, borewell recharge, soak pits, , etc. have been implemented to conserve water and benefit local community.”